Friday 22 November 2013

LO4: KTA 15: Production Schedules : 1)18-22nd November, 2) 25th - 29th November.

LO4: Task 4: KTA 13: Treatment for Steel City Fest Brief.


Budget - £1,982.08.
-         Equipment – Apple iMac £1,749.00. 
-         Software – Adobe Photoshop £233.08.

What is the brief?
Our task was to choose the genres for the Steel City Festival along with the types of artists and venues, and create at least 3 pieces of graphics design, these were:
-       A logo (had to be completed)
-       A magazine advertisement for the event.
-       The official A5 flyer for the event.
-       A billboard poster.

Who is the audience?
People interested in the Steel City Fest these could be fans of Indie/rock music preferably between the ages of 18 and 30 because this is the age group that is most likely to attend the festival and they are target audience.

Key dates for each milestone
Monday 18 – Tuesday 19 November 2013.

Health and safety considerations
Whilst on the iMac, I will not eat or drink as food or liquid could damage the machine and could possibly lead to malfunction.

Legal and ethical considerations
I will make sure I do not use pictures from the internet and will draw/make my own images which I will use.
I will ensure that my works are suitable and follow the code of practice for the Advertising Standards Authority. Here are the rules:
   Adverts should not cause offence
   Adverts should not glorify alcohol, sexual activity or drug taking
   Adverts should not cause harm to children
   Adverts should not be misleading

I will use my own images and logos which I have drawn.
I will ensure I go into an agreement with Facebook and Twitter so I have permission to use their logos.

Saturday 16 November 2013

LO3 Task 3: KTA 12: Analysis of Audience Feedback and Tutor Witness Statement.

The following results are results from the survey I have created in order to obtain feedback of my graphics design and my presentation.

These results matched my expectations. The instructions I received from the panel who judged my draft work, was to make the style of the work more suitable to the genre. On the billboard, the text which read "Steel City Fest" was uneasy to see as the colour of the text was similar to the colour of the background. The Steel City Fest logo was too simple, as it was just text. I will design a new logo that is more aesthetically pleasing than the draft logo. The feedback indicates that I must use a colour associated to the genre of Rock and Indie music as it would be more suitable and would create a brand identity. The feedback also indicates that I should use more images that are suitable to the genre.