Wednesday 25 September 2013

LO1 Task 1: KTA 4: ASA and Copyright Information.

Advertising Standards Authority - is a non-statutory body but provides a cod of practice for

- Adverts should not cause offence.
- Adverts should not glorify alcohol, sexual activity or drug taking.
- Adverts should not cause harm to children.
- Adverts should not be misleading.
- Adverts should not give false information about what they are selling/promoting or exaggerate claims made.

3 adverts that have been complained about:
Pot Noodle sees degrading Facebook post bannedPot Noodle sees degrading Facebook post banned

The post was part of an integrated ad that also included a video and online game, urging fans of Potnoodle to “peel the top off a hottie” by sexually suggestive images.

St John Ambulance TV ad escapes ban
St John Ambulance TV ad escapes ban

Ad from St John Ambulance has escaped punishment despite receiving nearly 150 complaints that it was “offensive and distressing”.

Phones 4U horror adverts avoid ASA censure
Phones 4U horror adverts avoid ASA censure

This advert was banned due to its "scary" content.


Starter revision answers.

1. A logo should be: Clean, simple, eye-catching, representative and should convey a message.
2. A headline act should be at the top of the page, preferably in a different colour.
3. Convention and connotation are 'C' words used when analysing media text.

Friday 20 September 2013

Related design pieces from three other companies.

This is to advertise the festival and inform viewers of what is happening.
The format of this piece is a header from the website of Docfest.
The poster contains text that shows the date of the festival, along with the associates who are the Mediaguardian. The piece contains links to other pages on the website.
The style of this piece is quite neutral in terms of gender as it uses both dark colours and pink. The piece is very clean and simple but it eye catching because of the contrasting colours.
The layout of this piece is landscape.
Target audience:
People who are interested in documentaries or movies.
Regulatory bodies (ASA):
This poster doesn't breach any of the ASA rules.

This is to advertise the festival and inform viewers of what is happening.
The format of this piece is a billboard from the V festival.
The poster contains text that shows the date of the festival, along with a list of artists who will be performing at the festival.
This piece is very basic and consists of a logo, text and a small illustration of a hand. The Font is sans serif which appeals to the target audience of people who enjoy music around the ages of 21-25+. The piece doesn't use many colours and this makes it appeal to both genders due to it's simplicity. The colours used are the colours that are used in the Virgin logo.
The layout of this piece is landscape.
Target audience:
People who enjoy music festivals
Regulatory bodies (ASA):
This poster doesn't breach any of the ASA rules.

This is a teaser for the Tramlines festival.
The format of this piece is a teaser poster for the upcoming Tramlines festival.
The piece contains the logo of Tramlines, the sponsor (Nokia) and the the date of the festival along with a strap line saying "Tramlines returns".
The piece uses contrasting colours, red and black to catch the attention of the perspective viewer. The font used in the piece is sans serif and the font is a specially made on that is aesthetically pleasing and appears to be modern as it has it is broken up.
The layout of this piece is landscape.
Target audience:
People who enjoy music festivals.
Regulatory bodies (ASA):
This poster doesn't breach any of the ASA rules.

Thursday 19 September 2013

LO1 Task 1: KTA 3/5: Five pieces of graphic design - full analysis.

5 Pieces of graphics design analysed.

Piece 1:
The Great British Music Festival.
The purpose of this poster was to advertise the event which took place on December 31st  1975.The poster shows which British bands are performing at the festival .The subculture of this event is ‘Rock’.
The style would be quite modern to the time, even though it has a traditional aspect to it.

The format of this piece is a poster, flyer and something which would be shown on TV and inside magazines.
The red colours would appeal to the target audience of young people around the age of 18+ as red is exciting , urgent colour. The red colours also tie in with the British flag, and this is reinforced by the images of the Union Jack and the  symbols of Britannia .

The Serif font appeals to the target audience as it is clean. The most famous bands/artists are presented in a bigger text and the headlining acts are in red to catch the attention of the perspective customer. The poster has a sort of symmetry to the flyer creating a clean look.

There is no web address as there was no internet in 1975, but now it is a convention to have your web address shown.

Pitchfork Music logo.
The purpose of the logo is to represent the organization, convey a message and make the viewer of the logo familiar with the image.
The Pitchfork logo consists of 2 circles which look like the Earth and the Sun. the 2 circles are penetrated by a pitchfork, and besides the circles are the text “Pitchfork Music Festival” The circle which represents the sun is meant to convey the message that the event takes place in the Summer. The bright colours of the 2 circles are appealing to a target audience of youths.

Rising  Styles.
The format of this piece is a flyer, the purpose of this flyer is to advertise this event and inform the target audience (who are young males and females). The yellow, pink and blue colours of this piece appeal to both genders in the age groups of 18-25 years. The flyer has the web address of ‘Rising styles’ at the top of the page, which is a convention nowadays. That is then topped off by the Rising Style logo.
The flyer has a clean style which consists of the date and various events which are happening in the festival.
The black background makes the informative front text stand out.

This piece is in the format of a poster or flyer, this will be shown in various places, such as bus shelters. The purpose of this piece is to inform the target audience about this event.
The target audience of this event are males and females around the ages of 18 to 25.  
The colours in this poster are very bright and appeal to a young audience as the they are similar to lights played in a club.
The flyer contains an eye catching title of the word ‘HARD’ which is set behind a skyline of what seems to be new york.
Large text is used to show which bands are performing and small text is used to show the sponsors of the event.
The layout of the flyer is fairly clean around the top, but it is quite grungy in parts, for example the “BOYS NOIZE” and “MAJOR LAZER” text.

Alresford Music Festival logo.
This logo is very colourful and eye catching as it contains red, orange, blue, white and yellow.
This logo is used to represent the Alresford music festival and reach out to the target audience of youths and young adults of both genders.
The logo is a combination of shapes and text which looks complicated and simple at the same time.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

LO1 Task1: KTA 2: Analysing Conventions of Graphic Design Products.

Denotation:The literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.The action or process of indicating or referring to something by means of a word, symbol, etc.

Connotation:An idea or feeling that a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.The implication of such ideas or feelings.

Convention:A way in which something is usually done, esp. within a particular area or activity.Behaviour that is a considered acceptable or polite to most members of a society.

LO1 Task 1: KTA 1: Industry Research/Write up of Professional.

Human Studios, made in 2007 is a creative company which specialises in commercial design projects for many organisations, for example: MTV, Swatch, Kilgour, Roewe, The University of Sheffield and Channel 4.

Human Studios is based in Sheffield and does work for both international and national clients.
With only a few people working in the company, Human Studios has made itself into a well known organisation which has showcased their work in various blogs and publications around the world including Eye Magazine, Design Week and The Guardian.

The founder of Human Studios, Nick Bax (born 1970) is a British designer/lecturer who has worked in the realm of art and graphics for over 20 years.
Human Studios have created designs, sound designs and animations for MTV, they have made 5 looping backgrounds and 5 6"bumpers which have been used on MTV (Italy).


Nigel Stafford is a graphic designer for Clear Channel and freelance. He is also a producer/DJ and a photographer.

Nigel Stafford makes billboard advertisements and logos.
The prices of outdoor advertising will change according to the place. Places in London around the centre will charge around £10-£15k as there are a lot of people who view the billboard.
The cost to advertise in a bus shelter costs an estimated £100 per week.

OOH - Out of home.
FMCO - Fast moving consuming goods.
ABC1 refers to a person in terms of advertising, whilst CDE2 refers to a less person.

When creating an advertisement for an event, you must think of:

*The audience:



Socio economic group.



Head on traffic

 (where it is placed)
*Dwell time:




(An example of a Clear Channel billboard).