Monday 7 October 2013

LO2 Task 2: KTA 9: Analysis of Successful Related Brands - Design Inspiration.

The Nike logo is very simple but effective. The white sans serif text is quite clean and eye catching on the black background along with the white Nike 'tick'. This makes the logo appealing. The logo is simple as there are only 2 objects in it, the text and the 'tick'. I took inspiration from this logo and used a sans serif font and simple colours.

On this billboard the Nike logo is very large, it will catch the attention of people passing as it uses a mix of energetic colours, which implies the message of the brand (do sport).
The Nike logo has become a successful icon in representing Nike, as it is distinctive and there is no other logo like it.

The Dell logo is visually appealing as it is simple. The clean sans serif text which says "Dell" is surrounded by a circle which draws you into the logo. I took inspiration from this and decided to add a shape surrounding my logo as it makes the logo stand out and will catch the attention of perspective customers. I also took inspiration from the Dell logo and decided to use a grey text because it is a neutral colour which appeals to both males and females.

The Dell logo fits in perfect with this advertisement as it is clean. The dell logo is successful because it is very simple and memorable. It is very easy to recognize. The logo looks attractive on all forms of advertising for example, on a flyer, billboard or any other paper medium. Also, the Dell logo can be presented in any colour and still look appealing, this makes it successful as the colour of the logo can be changed to suit the target audience of the product created by Dell.

The Doc/Fest logo is appealing as it is colourful, simple and clean. The serif font with the leading catches the attention of the perspective customer. The pink sections on the black background catch the attention of people as there is contrast.  Pink is a vibrant colour and mixed with the black it portrays playfulness and seriousness, which appeals to the target audience.

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